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Cans, boxes, and the frozen aisle

It’s in my blood. My dad is a chef at Century Plaza Hotel and my mom is an excellent cook…well…when it comes to Japanese food that is. I like to cook. It’s definitely not a chore for me. I like looking at the weekly grocery ads (yes, I’m one of those people) and figuring out the menu for the week. Recently, my good friend asked what I cook every night, so I thought this is a good time to share them with you. Trust me, they are nothing fancy, just good food that my husband and I enjoy.

Friday : Shrimp Etouffee
Mix a box of Zatarans Shrimp Etouffee, a bag of frozen shrimp, margarine, and tomato paste. Pour over rice and…BAMMM! Dinner’s ready!

Saturday: Chicken Tortilla Soup
Open up every single can in your pantry (chicken broth, beans, corn, green chili, tomato). Cut up all the veggies in your fridge (carrots, celery, onions). Add chicken. Serve with lime, cilantro, tortilla chips, and cheese. Make enough for leftovers!

Sunday : went out to dinner with my friends while Jimmy ate leftover soup =)

Monday: Orange Chick & Gyoza
Bake Trader Joe’s frozen orange chicken (baking it is MUCH better than using the microwave). Cook frozen gyoza. Serve with rice and salad. Too easy…

Tuesday: Trader Joe’s Green Curry, Rice, and oranges
Heat up green curry. Add tofu and veggies. Serve with rice and fruit. Another super easy meal.

Wednesday: Chicken Cranberry Enchiladas
Filling: 1/2- can of cranberries, 1-can of black beans, shredded chicken, 1/2 cup sour cream, green onions, salsa, salt, cheese, cilantro, pepper, cumin. Sauce: 1/2 – can of cranberries, salsa.
Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes. Uncover. Add cheese. Bake for an additional 10 minutes.

Thursday: Roast
Jimmy made this in a crock pot. We got the roast from Target (yay for Target groceries!). Add veggies. Add several
cans of stewed tomatos. Cook for 4+ hours. Serve over rice.

Bon Appetit!

January 19, 2011 - 8:14 pm admin - Yes! Come over! We always have lots of leftovers!

January 19, 2011 - 2:02 am Jean - So yummy and awesome looking!! One day when I come over can you make etoufee or soup or roast for ne? Sounds like I'm coming over a lot!!

January 18, 2011 - 10:41 pm galen - YUM!

January 18, 2011 - 8:33 pm admin - I think they only have the tuna...We use the green curry in the bottle too, but this is a little more tart. The cranberry enchilada recipe is from a woman from church. Jimmy had it at a luncheon and kept bugging me about it!

January 18, 2011 - 8:20 pm Jackie - This is great! We've used TJ's curry in the bottle but never the one you pictured. Do they have others besides Tuna? I have never heard of a cranberry enchilada recipe. Sounds interesting and looks good!

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