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Monthly Archives: April 2010

Little Tiny A

OMG. It totally feels like babies are popping left and right. I think I have a newborn shoot scheduled at least once every month. And you know what? I love every one of them. Despite the fact that they are all so small and so dependent, it’s been an honor to see and capture their...

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Poppy Festival without the Poppy…

For the last 3 years, I have begged Jimmy to take me to the Poppy Festival in Lancaster for several reasons. First, I LOVE festivals. I love trying out new foods, browsing through the vendors, watching the kids play games…the whole nine yards. I also have a fond memory of a time when I was...

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Earth Day

Ever since we bought our house, Jimmy has been running around trying to make it eco-friendly. His first big thing was water. As in H2O. His first project was to create a rain barrel to catch the rain water. If you’ve been around, you know that we like to make our own little gadgets rather...

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Strawberry Fields Forever

well…not forever. It’s more like strawberry fields until we get lazy and stop caring.  But as for now, Jimmy and I are so excited about our new strawberry plants. I admit, I was first a little skeptical…I mean, why grow strawberries when I can walk over to one of the best Farmer’s Market and buy...

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Last Saturday I had the opportunity to photograph an adorable dog. Yup. You read it correctly. A dog. We met on a windy day at the Korean Friendship Bell in San Pedro and I must say, I totally enjoyed myself! Kona was so quiet, tame, and wonderful to photograph. Here are my favs… I *heart*...

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